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About Us



We are a group of men and women of all ages, from a variety of backgrounds, who live in Wythenshawe and the surrounding area. What we have in common and what binds us together is that we are all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Each of us has had a personal experience of accepting Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord thus enjoying peace with God and the gift of eternal life. We prefer to be known as Christians without any denominational title.


We seek to follow the New Testament example of simply gathering unto the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as guided by the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, which we accept as our only authority in all matters of faith and practice. We do not have a presiding pastor but have several elders who guide and care for our assembly of believers. One of our main objectives is to share the good news of the gospel with the people of Wythenshawe and the surrounding area.



“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them”

Matthew 18.20

We believe in:


  • the Divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures

  • the Trinity of the Godhead

  • God as Creator of heaven and earth and all mankind

  • God as the Judge of all mankind

  • the virgin birth and absolute sinless perfection of the Lord Jesus Christ

  • the fall of man

  • the atoning sacrifice of Christ as the only propitiation for the remission of sins

  • the bodily resurrection and ascension of Christ

  • His present office as Great High Priest

  • His return both for and later with His people

Brownwood Hall

Woodhouse Lane,

Wythenshawe, Manchester

M22 9TF


A warm welcome awaits you.

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